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实验京剧《浮士德》 [热卖]


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Experimental Peking Opera






Brief Introduction to the Play Faust

Faust, German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s magnum opus, is not only the greatest work of German literature but also a gem in world literature. The Peking opera Faust is adopted from Faust, Part One.

The Devil, an evil spirit that negates and destructs everything, laughs before God at the flaws of human beings and is confident that he can allure Faust away from righteous pursuits. God, believing that good people are always aware of right paths, permits a bet the Devil makes with him, and agrees on the test of Faust by the Devil. Faust, already in his fifties and already a peerless scholar of learning, is so frustrated at his failure to have fulfilled his worldly desires that he ponder suicide. The Devil comes to Faust’s study, invites him to re-experience his past life and promises to be at his service, on the condition that from the moment Faust has felt satisfied and come to his afterlife, he should serve the Devil too. Believing that nothing in the world would not satisfy him, Faust makes a pact with the Devil. Now turned into a young man by the Devil, Faust is madly in love with Gretchen, only to lead to her tragedy.

出 品 人:张凯华  丹尼尔•瓜尔第

Producers: Zhang Kaihua  Daniele Gualdi

总 监 制:于魁智 陈  樱  皮特•瓦伦蒂

Executive Producers:Yu Kuizhi  Chen Ying  Pietro Valenti

制 作 人:王琳娜  斯蒂法尼娅•德•里欧

Production Managers: Wang Linna  Stefania De Leo

编  剧:李美妮

Playwright: Li Meini


Opera Literature Consultant: Zou Yiqing


Director: Anna Peschke


Director of  Peking Opera: Xu Mengke


Vocal Music Design: Chen Xiaoman

音乐作曲:路易吉•切卡莱利  阿雷桑德罗•奇普里阿尼  陈晓满

Composition: Luigi Ceccarelli  Alessandro Cipriani  Chen



Stage Design: Ni Ke

灯光设计:托马索•切克琦  胡山峰

Lighting Design: Tommaso Checcucci  Hu Shanfeng

服装设计:阿 宽

Costume Design: A Kuan

容妆造型设计:艾淑云 李萌

Styling and Make-up: Ai Shuyun  Li Meng


Props Design: Li Jiyong

舞蹈编导:周莉亚 韩 真

Choreographers: Zhou Liya, Han Zhen


Electronic music design: Wang Haixu

监    制:李海燕 江其虎 刘学玲

Production Supervisors: Li Haiyan  Jiang Qihu  Liu Xueling

舞美监制:于跃刚 李继勇 蒋连起

Stage Producers: Yu Yuegang  Li Jiyong  Jiang Lianqi

音    响:马 川 陈丹丹

Sound Effect: Ma Chuan  Chen Dandan


Cast and Crew

剧中人          扮演者

Character        Performer

浮士德          刘大可

Faust            Liu Dake

魔  非          徐孟珂

Mephistopheles   Xu Mengke

格雷卿          郭  霄

Gretchen         Guo Xiao

华伦廷          赵辉辉

Valentine         Zhao Huihui



司 鼓、铙 钹   王  曦

Si Gu & Nao Bo: Wang Xi

操 琴          王继辉

Jing Hu: Wang Jihui

月 琴、笛 子   富察一娜

Yue Qin & Flute: Fucha Yina

大 锣、小 锣   牛璐璐

Bass Gong & Small Gong: Niu Lulu

大提琴  包  涵

Cello: Bao Han

键盘手  朱  森

Keyboard: Zhu Sen

打击乐  张  宇

Percussion: Zhang Yu

舞台监督  杨  超

Stage Direction: Yang Chao

字    幕  霍荫生

Subtitle: Huo Yinsheng

舞    美:国家京剧院舞美中心

Choreography: Choreography Center of China National Peking Opera Company


Liu Dake (as Faust)


National first-class painted face actor, Li Dake graduated from the Postgraduate Class of Excellent Young Peking Opera Performers. He won the golden prize in the National Television Contest of Young Peking Opera Performers, the golden prize in the Red Plum Cup National Opera Competition and the prize from the Ministry of Culture for young Peking Opera artists’ excellent performance of acts of plays.


Xu Mengke ( as Mephistopheles)


National first-class clown actor, Xu Mengke graduated from the Postgraduate Class of Excellent Young Peking Opera Performers. He won the “excellent performance” prize in the National Television Contest of Young Peking Opera Performers. For the two consecutive years of 2014 and 2015, he served as the opera director for CCTV Spring Festival galas.


Guo Xiao(as Gretchen)


Outstanding young actress, Guo Xiao is excellent at playing “green-robe” female roles and hua-shan, or colored-robe, female roles. A graduate from the National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts. She is winner of the Award for Excellent Performance at the Collective Show of Excellent Plays from National Art Theatres and Troupes and the Silver Award at the National TV Contest for Young Peking Opera Performers.


Zhao Huihui( as Valentin)

中国国家京剧院优秀青年演员,工武丑。曾获中央电视台第二届全国戏曲院校京剧专业学生电视大赛荧屏奖。Outstanding young actress,Zhao Huihui is is good at playing martial clown roles. A graduate from the National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts. He is winner of the Screen Award at the National TV Contest for Peking Opera Majors from Opera Academies.

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