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古希腊哲学中关于θυμός(Thymos)这个词有一种表达,即当灵魂嵌入进呼吸的时候,身心获得合一,以它之名而诞生的一支弦乐四重奏组合,来自享誉盛名的巴黎管弦乐团。四位乐手均毕业于巴黎、里昂国立高等音乐学院,他们分别是荣获巴黎管弦乐团终生职位的第一小提琴盖布里尔•理查德(Gabriel Richard)、而第二小提琴安娜索菲•勒罗(Anne-Sophie Le Rol)被誉为天才小提琴家,年仅21岁便进入巴黎管弦乐团、中提琴由乐团声部首席及独奏家尼古拉•卡尔勒(Nicolas Carles)担任、以及同样荣获巴黎管弦乐团终生职位的大提琴家佛罗莱恩▪米勒(Florian Miller)。在他们成立的15年以来,他们受邀参演了诸如法国Luberon国际弦乐四重奏音乐节、波尔多大剧院国际比赛嘉宾、法国蔚蓝海岸传奇小提琴音乐节等,并与当今在全球享誉盛名的指挥家亦是蒂莫斯四重奏和室内乐团的主席——克里斯多夫•艾申巴赫(Christoph Eschenbach)的关系始终紧密相连,首先是他们早在2005年的Ravinia音乐节上的第一次合作,也由此开始了艾申巴赫成为蒂莫斯重奏组合中钢琴家角色的演出之旅。他们的合作受邀于芝加哥肯尼迪艺术中心和巴黎Fougères音乐节,以舒伯特和法国作曲家Olivier Dejours的作品,并与女中音歌唱家Elisabeth Kulman,低音提琴Yann Dubost在Salle Gaveau一同演出。

这样一支由艾申巴赫领衔的活跃于当今室内乐舞台的顶尖弦乐四重奏,除了穿梭于乐团巡演和重奏组的演出以外,也丝毫没有停下灌录唱片的脚步。他们将舒伯特、贝尔格、德沃夏克等作品,与合作演出的艺术家们完整灌录于发行于2009和2011年的唱片中。华盛顿邮报曾盛赞这支重奏组,“他们是极具想象力和精湛技艺的组合”;对于艾申巴赫在舒伯特作品中的表现,纽约时报也大加赞赏,称其为“犹如水晶般的音色”,“被不断前进的韵律而迷幻”。这些年来,蒂莫斯四重奏的足迹不仅踏遍世界各地,包括音乐节、博物馆、音乐厅与艺术中心,更重要的是他们的艺术探索也在不断延伸,除了诠释横跨巴洛克至新古典主义时期的大量曲目外,也乐于大胆尝试新艺术,典型的案例是2011至2012年他们随极简主义代表作曲家Steve Reich与Karine Saporta当代舞蹈团在巴黎音乐城的演出,获得了极大的成功。

According to the philosophers of the Ancient Greece, « thymos » means the breathing of the soul, the alliance between body and mind. Inspired by the spirit of this concept, the musicians of the Thymos Quartet created this ensemble in 2001 to share intense moments of music with wide audiences. The Thymos Quartet stems from the meeting of four musicians who won Distinction Prizes at both the Paris and Lyon music conservatories. From the very beginning, the Quartet aspired to have a large repertoire spanning from baroque to contemporary. The Quartet has been invited to perform in renowned festivals, such as Amboise, Prades, Montpellier and at varied concert halls among which the auditoriums of the Orsay Museum and of the Sorbonne, The Mogador Theater, Favart and Pleyel, as well as in the French oversea departments and in several European cities.

In August 2005, the Quartet was the guest of the Ravinia Festival (Chicago) with the pianist Christoph Eschenbach. The Thymos Quartet did appear in August 2007 at the International String quartet Festival of Luberon (South of France). In May 2010, it played in the Grand Théâtre de Bordeaux on the occasion of the annual international competition in chamber music, and in the Festival "Legendary violins" at Beaulieu-sur-Mer in the French riviera. In 2011-2012 the Thymos gives a musical performance around Steve Reich with Karine Saporta's dance company at the cité de la musique. It also participates in the international Biennale of string quartet that takes place at the Cité in January 2012. In addition, the musicians are invited at the Kennedy centre in Washington for a specific program in March 2012 and then in May 2013 in the Fougères Musicales Festival and at the Salle Gaveau (organised by Proquartet in Paris) with Christoph Eschenbach (piano), Elisabeth Kulman (mezzo-soprano) and Yann Dubost (doublebass). After performing at the Auditorium of the Musée d'Orsay, at Theater of Bordeaux, in the Chateau de Cadillacand the Festival of Fougères, the Thymos Quartet toured Brazil in the state of Espirito Santo. On this occasion the Quartet played to more than 1,000 children.

For the 2014-15 seasons, the Thymos Quartet performed in Chateau de Maisons-Laffitte, in the Festival of Fougères, at the Philharmonie in Paris, among others. They record a cd about a Schubert program in February 2015 with pianist Christoph Eschenbach and bassist Yann Dubost. In 2016, the Quartet Thymos will tour Brazil (Rio, Vitoria, Sao Paulo ...) and the United States (Washington, DukeUniversity ...). The year 2017 will see a proposed tour of Asia (Japan, Korea, China).Thymos Quartet is supported by the French Institute and Spedidam.


盖布里尔•理查德(Gabriel Richard)是巴黎管弦乐团第一小提琴的终身制演奏员,同时也是Thymos弦乐四重奏的创始人。他毕业于里昂国立高等音乐学院小提琴演奏和室内乐专业,1997年他加入巴黎管弦乐团,并在1999年同时被选为里昂国立歌剧院乐团的小提琴首席。他与众多顶级指挥大师有过合作经历,如Pierre Boulez、Lorin Maazel、Christoph Eschenbach、Daniel Barenboim、Bernard Haitink和Marin Aslop等等。作为Thymos弦乐四重奏的第一小提琴,他带领四重奏亮相于华盛顿肯尼迪艺术中心、巴黎音乐城、Pleyel音乐厅、奥赛美术馆、国际弦乐四重奏双年展、拉维尼亚音乐节、吕贝隆国际艺术节等诸多国际舞台。2016年5月,Thymos四重奏与其名誉主席——指挥大师、钢琴家Christoph Eschenbach三度合作灌录舒伯特室内乐作品唱片,低音提琴由巴黎管弦乐团、Thymos重奏组成员Yann Dubost担任。盖布里尔•理查德使用一把著名法国制琴师Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume制作的小提琴。

First Violin Gabriel Richard is a tenure-track first violin at the Paris Orchestra, as well as founder and member of the Thymos String Quartet. He was granted a First Prize in the practice of the violin at National Conservatory of Music and Dance in Lyon. Richard joined the Orchestre de Paris in 1997 and was selected to be solo violin of the Lyon National Opera in 1999. As a musician of the Orchestre de Paris, he plays under the direction of conductors such as Pierre Boulez, Lorin Maazel, Christoph Eschenbach, Daniel Barenboim, Bernard Haitink, Marin Aslop, among others. He completed a graduate degree in chamber music, with Thymos Quartet he regularly performs on international scenes: the Kennedy Center in Washington, La cité de la Musique (Paris), Pleyel Auditorium, the OrsayMuseum, Bordeaux Festival, Ravinia Festival, The international festival of Luberon. In May 2016, Gabriel will record, with the Thymos Quartet, the double-bassist Yann Dubost, and the Pianist Christoph Eschenbach, a CD on Schubert (again for Avie Label ). Gabriel Richard plays a beautiful violin by Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume.


安娜索菲•勒罗于1990年出生于法国巴黎,四岁学习小提琴,毕业于巴黎国立高等音乐学院并获得硕士演奏学位,师从小提琴家Régis Paquier和Philippe Aïche。她在诸多小提琴大师如Salvatore Accardo、Claire Désert、Bruno Pasquier等指导下逐渐展示出成熟和非凡的音乐表现力;在Ysaÿe四重奏和Wanderer三重奏的指导下学习了室内乐的演奏。她曾获得许多国内及国际重要奖项,并作为独奏家受邀于卡昂乐团、勃艮第室内乐团、黎巴嫩国家交响乐团等,并在Saint-Jean-de-Luz春季音乐会、戛纳Suquet艺术节、尼姆艺术节等举办独奏音乐会。年仅21岁时,勒罗即成为巴黎管弦乐团签约演奏家,足迹踏遍世界各地,并与众多指挥大师如Lorin Maazel、Pierre Boulez、Zubin Mehta、Esa-Pekka Salonen、Christoph Eschenbach、Paavo Järvi、Daniel Barenboim、Riccardo Chailly等合作。2012年勒罗加入蒂莫斯弦乐四重奏,演出作品包罗万象,从古典横跨至先锋主义。

Anne-Sophie Le Rol was born in Paris in 1990. She took up the violin at the age of four and entered the Paris Conservatory(CNSMDP) in 2000. Master graduated from the same school, following the violin class of Régis Paquier and Philippe Aïche, she enriched her musicality in many master classes with prestigious artists as Salvatore Accardo, Claire Désert, Bruno Pasquier, Ysaÿe Quartet and Wanderer Trio for chamber music. She's invited to perform as soloist with the Lebanon National Symphony Orchestra, the Caen Orchestra, and Chamber Orchestra in Bourgogne. She has given numerous recitals in music festivals and concerts seasons including the spring recitals at Saint-Jean-de-Luz, and the Suquet Festival in Cannes. At only 21 years old, she became a violinist at Orchestre de Paris and plays all over the world with the most prestigious conductors as Lorin Maazel, Pierre Boulez, Zubin Mehta, Esa-Pekka Salonen, Christoph Eschenbach, Paavo Järvi, Daniel Barenboim, Riccardo Chailly. In 2012, Le Rol joined the Thymos Quartet with which she extends her repertoire from the classical era to contemporary creation.


尼古拉斯•卡尔勒于1965出生于法国巴黎,少年时期跟随母亲学习小提琴。随着卡尔勒的成长,他发现了中提琴温暖、丰厚的独特音色并为之着迷。随后1981年以中提琴专业进入巴黎国立高等音乐学院师从Colette Lequien,获得高等演奏学位。卡尔勒热衷于各种室内乐的演奏,他也常常以室内乐音乐家的身份出席各种音乐节,如Miguel Angel Estrella主持的希望音乐节等。卡尔勒的演出足迹踏遍欧洲、亚洲和美洲等,其中多次到日本、台湾、西班牙等地巡演。2010年卡尔勒加入蒂莫斯四重奏,并亮相诸多法国的音乐节,如弦乐四重奏双年展、吕贝隆四重奏音乐节等。他与众多独奏大师如钢琴家Christian Ivaldi、Christoph Eschenbach;单簧管演奏家Pascal Moraguès;大提琴家Alain Menier;小提琴家Olivier Charlier以及低音提琴演奏家Yann Dubost合作。卡尔勒是目前是巴黎管弦乐团的中提琴首席和独奏家之一,并在巴黎高等师范音乐学院任教。

Born in 1965 in the Paris region, Nicolas Carles begins his musical training by the violin, with his mother. He discovers later the warm and very particular sonority of the viola and enters in 1981 to the Paris Conservatory(CNSMDP) the class of Colette Lequien. Nicolas Carles shows up regularly in various chamber music groups and takes part in many concerts, as well as a soloist and a chamber music player. He takes part during ten years in the musical season of  Vittel like in the festival Music Hope directed by Miguel Angel Estrella. Abroad, he played in Japan, in Taiwan, and in Spain. Since 2010, Nicolas Carles is the member of the Thymos Quartet with which it courses various festivals in France such as Biennial of the string quartets, Festival of string quartets of Luberon. He plays with various soloists such as the pianists Christian Ivaldi, Christoph Eschenbach; clarinettists Pascal Moraguès; the cellists Alain Menier; violinists Olivier Charlier, and the double bass player Yann Dubost. He is currently the principal viola of the Orchestre de Paris, and taught for several years, at the École Normale de Musique de Paris.


佛罗莱恩▪米勒出生于1983年。自幼跟随其祖父,低音提琴大师Jacques Cazauran学习大提琴。先后师从Annie Cochet, Henri Demarquette和 Phillippe Muller,米勒在2009年获得了巴黎国立高等音乐学院大提琴高等演奏学位,并在这之前就已加入巴黎管弦乐团大提琴声部担任演奏员。他曾与多个指挥家进行合作,如Bernard Haitink、Pierre Boulez、Colin Davis、Esa-Pekka Salonen等。此外,他也长期致力于室内乐的演奏,他曾跟随Vladmir Mendelssohn和Marc Coppey进行室内乐学习和研究。Aric Lesage、 Gerard Causse、 Roland Daugareil、Nicholas Dautricourt都与其合作过室内乐。米勒现在使用的大提琴由意大利著名琴师Grancino于1698年所制造。

Born in Paris in 1983, Florian started to learn cello with his grandfather, the renowned double-bass player Jacques Cazauran. In National Superior Conservatory of Paris for Music and Dance, Florian practised his skills with Annie Cochet, Henri Demarquette and Philippe Muller and obtained his final diploma (DFS, mention très bien) in 2009. Before even finishing his studies at the Paris conservatory, Florian integrated the « Orchestre de Paris » where he played under the direction of grand conductors such as Bernard Haitink, Sir Colin Davis, Pierre Boulez, Riccardo Chailly, Lorin Maazel, Zubin Mehta, Esa-Pekka Salonen.Equally passioned with chamber music Florian studies with Vladimir Mendelssohn and Marc Coppey at the CNSMDP. He has plenty of experiences in performing chamber music with a number of renowned artists such as Aric Lesage, Gerard Caussé, Roland Daugareil, Nicholas Dautricourt. Florian plays a “Harlequin” cello built in 1698 by Giovanni Grancino.



旅欧青年古典萨克斯演奏家姜汉超1988年生于上海,年仅13岁即获得第19届上海之春国际音乐节管乐比赛金奖,后赴欧洲学习深造,2009年以国家级评委会一致认定的最优成绩获得法国圣埃蒂安国立音乐学院音乐家学位,2013年于瑞士日内瓦高等音乐学院获高等音乐演奏学士和硕士学位。曾任教于法国圣沙蒙音乐学院、法国里弗德锡耶音乐学院,现任上海申城爱乐交响管乐团副团长。作为独奏家,他曾受邀与世界多位知名指挥家、作曲家及乐团合作,并首演众多古典浪漫至现当代的交响和室内乐作品,包括与Gábor Takács-Nagy合作Frank Martin《灰姑娘》并灌录数张音乐会唱片、与Jean Deroyer和瑞士罗曼德管弦乐团合作Sergei Prokofiev《罗密欧与朱丽叶》、与Gottfield Rabl和上海交响乐团世界首演陆培《上海韵律》协奏曲等。此外,他也是活跃于当今世界室内乐舞台的演奏家,先后与钢琴家Marina Di Giorno和中提琴家Guillaume Leroy组建Cézanne三重奏,与钢琴家Juan David Molano组建二重奏,至今已完成多次世界巡演。

Classical saxophonist Hanchao Jiang was born in Shanghai in the year of 1988. In 2002,Hanchao won Gold Prize in Shanghai Spring International Music Festival Wind Section Competition at the age 13. In 2009, he graduated with a DEM of “Mention Très Bien à Unanimité avec Félicitations du Jury”from Conservatoire à RayonnementRégional de Musique de Saint-Etienne. He then entered Geneva Superior Conservatory of Music, graduated with a B.A.and an M.A.in music performance in 2013. He taught in Ecole de Musique de Saint-Chamond and Ecole de Musique du Rive-de-Gier from 2012 to 2013. Hanchaocurrently serves as the vice-chief of Shanghai City Philharmonic Symphonic Wind Orchestra. Hanchao has been invited to collaborate with quite a few famous conductors, composers and orchestras in recitals, concertos and orchestral concerts world-widely, including GáborTakács-Nagy for Frank Martin's Cinderella and has been documented recordings, Jean Deroyer for Sergei Prokofiev’s Romeo and Juliet with L'Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, GottfieldRabl for Pei Lu’s Shanghai Rhythm Concerto World Premiere with Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, etc. Also as an active chamber musician, Hanchao formed the Cézanne Trio with the European pianist, Marina Di Giorno, and violinist Guillaume Leroy in 2013 and performed frequently on tour internationally.


❶莫扎特《D大调嬉游曲》KV 136 (Mozart Divertimento in D,KV 136);

❷拉威尔《F大调弦乐四重奏》(Ravel String Quartet in F Major);

❸勃拉姆斯《B小调单簧管五重奏》 ,作品115(Brahms Clarinet Quintet in B minor, Op.115 ),此作品为萨克斯与四重奏。


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