德国联邦交响乐团是德国优秀的乐团之一。为了庆祝德国统一20周年,由克里斯蒂安.费茨纳Christian Fitzner倡导成立。成员主要来自维尼哥罗德市内乐团,德国北莱茵州青年交响乐团,萨克森和下萨克森州青年交响乐团等德国优秀的乐团。他们中很多青年人曾在德国和国际音乐比赛中获得大奖。该团年轻精英之多,整容之大,在东西德统一后的德国是前所未有的。不仅如此,世界著名的音乐大师库德.马索Kurt Masur是该团的艺术保护人。乐团演奏的作品广泛,从德奥古典作品到近现代作曲家的经典交响乐。自成立之后的演出受到广大音乐爱好者的欢迎及音乐评论家的热评。2011年新年来临之际,在德国外交部的赞助下,由指挥克里斯蒂安费茨纳带领80位演奏家,强大整容首次访华演出,在中国将进行10场音乐会。此外,访华演出的曲目都是经过精心挑选,既有大家都熟悉的世界经典交响名曲,又有一些非常好听但在中国不常演出的交响作品和一首中国作品。
《塞维利亚理发师》序曲 罗西尼
《卡门》幻想曲 萨拉萨蒂
《爱之梦》 李斯特
《辛德勒的名单》 威廉姆斯
《蝙蝠》序曲 施特劳斯
《饶舌波尔卡》 施特劳斯
《威仪堂堂进行曲》 埃尔加
《拉德斯基进行曲》 施特劳斯
The Orchester Deutsche Einheit (ODE) is an unique German symphony orchestra, founded by Christian Fitzner to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the German Unification.
ODE‘s musicians derive either from the Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra of Wernigerodeorfrom diverse German Youth Orchestras, such asthe Philharmonic Youth Orchestra from North-Rhine Westphalia, from Saxony, from Lower Saxony etc.
The Orchester Deutsche Einheit bringstogether experienced professional musicians with the elite young musicians bothfromthe united East Germany and West Germany. Among its young musicians, many are winners of renowned national and international music competitions.
Because of its unique and unifying features, Kurt Masurhas decided to become its patron.
The Orchester Deutsche Einheit plays not only famous classical masterpieces, but also contemporary compositions. Its energetic interpretations are appreciated by music lovers and highly praised by experts.
Sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany, the Orchester Deutche Einheit is proudly announcing its first visit to China. Ten concerts in different cities will be conducted by Christian Fitzner, presenting both common works from New Year’s Eve concert repertoire as well as interesting pieces which have barely been heard in China.