导演/编舞:Ricardo Iniesta
Director/Choreographer: Ricardo Iniesta
Play writer: Valle-Inclán
Introduction of play:
Ramon María del Valle-Inclán, one of the most celebrated Spanish playwrights, died 75 years ago. Atalaya Theatre owes much of its language to Valle-Inclán. In 1998 the company premiered Divinas Palabras, one of his masterworks, getting and immediate success that would lead to the National Theatre Prize, awarded by the Spanish Government in 2008.
Divinas palabras remained in tour until 2005, when the play was staged by the National Drama Center. In 2009 Atalaya retook the national and international tour introducing some changes and improvements.
The play presents a monstrous dwarf who is exhibited by his family from festival to festival to beg for money. In the form of a tragicomedy, the show highlights the most despicable human passions, such as greed, jealousy and lust, cloaking a cheerful festive scenario in a cruel and grotesque atmosphere. Divinas palabras is a very dynamic and visual show, capable of immersing the spectator into a shaking and thrilling universe.
“An example of creativity, elegance and artistic mellowness. It enlightens in a wonderful way how to do a classic play with contemporaneous manners. A complete show. Magnificent cast, mine actors are worth ninety actors. An authentic celebration of the theatre’s magic and the power of the words, no matter if it been divines or earthly.” NEW HERALD, Miami.
TAGS: 2011北京国际青年戏剧节—话剧《神谕》